Practices for Personnel
Many measures have been taken on the basis of our employees regarding the COVID-19 outbreak. These measures;
• Employees are given trainings about the Covid-19 virus through “14 RULES AGAINST THE RISK OF CORONAVIRUS”.
• Fever measurements are made with a thermometer at the entrance of our employees to the company.
• Masks are distributed to our employees at the entrance of the factory.
• Surfaces we use frequently such as door handles, dining hall, sinks and toilets are constantly cleaned with water and detergent.
• Fixed disinfectant stations have been installed in the factory entrance, dining hall and general usage areas.
• Fever measurements are made with a thermometer at the entrance of our employees to the company.
• Masks are distributed to our employees at the entrance of the factory.
• Surfaces we use frequently such as door handles, dining hall, sinks and toilets are constantly cleaned with water and detergent.
• Fixed disinfectant stations have been installed in the factory entrance, dining hall and general usage areas.
Practices for Guests
The measures regarding the COVID-19 outbreak we have taken for our guests who come to our factory and for our company officials with whom we cooperate are as follows;
• Fever measurements are made with a thermometer at the entrance of our guests to the company.
• Our guests are not allowed to enter the factory without a mask.
• Areas that our guests can use such as door handles, washbasins and toilets are constantly cleaned with water and detergent.
• Fixed disinfectant stations have been installed in the factory entrance, secretariat and general usage areas.
• Our guests are not allowed to enter the factory without a mask.
• Areas that our guests can use such as door handles, washbasins and toilets are constantly cleaned with water and detergent.
• Fixed disinfectant stations have been installed in the factory entrance, secretariat and general usage areas.
Practices in the Dining Hall
The precautions and practices taken in our factory dining hall regarding the COVID-19 outbreak are as follows;
• A disinfectant station was established at the entrance of the dining hall.
• Use of masks and gloves by the dining hall personnel is ensured.
• The social distance rule is followed in the dining hall table layout.
• Materials such as spices, toothpicks, salt used in the dining hall are provided as disposable.
• Cutlery and spoons are provided in paper packaging in the dining hall.
• In the dining hall, breads are packaged and drinking water is served in plastic bottles.
• Use of masks and gloves by the dining hall personnel is ensured.
• The social distance rule is followed in the dining hall table layout.
• Materials such as spices, toothpicks, salt used in the dining hall are provided as disposable.
• Cutlery and spoons are provided in paper packaging in the dining hall.
• In the dining hall, breads are packaged and drinking water is served in plastic bottles.

Copyright © 2024 Akdem Textile
Design and Application Bravo Works